High Resolution SPM
The MultiMode V is a compact and very high resolution scanning probe microscopy system ideal for micro to atomic scale imaging activity. It has a flexible platform that enables microscopy of nanostructures in semiconductor, biological and polymer materials. It can produce very stable and low noise image of 0.3 Å in vertical dimension and can operate in fluid environment. The system is equipped with two scanners that allow scanning area of 10 µm x 10 µm x 2.5 µm(XYZ) and 125 µm x 125 µm x 5 µm (XYZ) and uses the advanced NanoScope IV controller, which is capable of high speed scanning (50 MHz sampling speed) and capturing high resolution images up to 5120 x 5120 pixel density. The available SPM modes are:
- Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
- AFM in air and fluid environment
- Contact and non-contact Mode AFM
- Phase Imaging
- Lateral Force Microscopy
- Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Force Modulation
- Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
- Scanning Capacitance Microscopy
- Conductive AFM
- Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy